• A Life-Cycle Celebrant writes and officiates rituals and ceremonies marking all of life's important milestones and transitions, from the beginning to the end.

    A Life-Cycle Celebrant is a graduate of the Celebrant Foundation & Institute (CF&I), which sets the gold standard in Celebrancy training. The program covers all facets of ritual and ceremony design and delivery. In addition to studying world and faith traditions, mythology, and how to powerfully integrate personal story and history into each ceremony, I am schooled in the art of ceremonial writing and speaking. As a professional, I abide by a code of ethics and non-discrimination policy set out by the CF&I, and I am committed to continually improving my knowledge and skills.

    As a certified Life-Cycle Celebrant, I am a highly-trained ceremony officiant who creates and performs ceremonies that reflect my client’s beliefs, philosophy of life, and personality. I have no agenda or cookie-cutter template. Instead, through careful interviewing and collaboration, I elicit what is meaningful for each client. My clients always have the final approval of their ceremony.

  • Perhaps you are spiritual, but not religious. Or perhaps the milestone you would like to commemorate is not commonly acknowledged by your faith community. I offer a service that fills a niche for people who would like to celebrate or honour a life event in a meaningful way. Whether you are spiritual, religious, secular, interfaith, multicultural, LGBTQ+ or straight, I would love to work with you to create a ceremony that reflects you and that which you hold most dear. Together, we will craft a ceremony that is a unique expression of your values and beliefs. And I will deliver it with warmth, authenticity, and a dose of humour. Your ceremony will become a cherished waypoint on your life’s journey.

    If you would like to honour an important turning point in your life, and the journey and people that led you there, then I can help craft a ceremony that you will love!

  • Since time immemorial, people have come together to mark the significant transitions and occasions in their lives through ceremony and ritual. In today’s fast-paced, diverse and more secular society, many age-old traditions honouring life’s important thresholds have been abandoned. Today, there are very few milestones that communities come together to commemorate. And those occasions that we do gather on – such as baby showers, graduations, weddings, and funerals – are often impersonal and lacking depth.

    And yet, as humans, we continue to crave the meaning-making, connection, and community that a thoughtfully planned and conducted ceremony can offer us. Done well, ritual and ceremony move you through a gateway from one phase of your life to the next. The skillfully integrated music, readings, story, symbolism and choreography of good ceremony have the effect of integrating the transition in our lives and equipping us for the next stage of the journey.

    Ceremony comforts those who are grieving, and offers sustenance to those who are in transition. Ceremony strengthens communities while celebrating important beginnings and hard-won endings.

    Put simply, ceremony can be transformative. I love working with people who want to pause in order to reflect, honour and celebrate the deeper meaning in their lives.

  • I am based in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan and am available to perform ceremonies in the greater Saskatoon area. I'm also willing to negotiate travel outside of the region.

    I will be happy to officiate your ceremony wherever you would like it to be! You may want to go with an established event venue, or you may prefer a location that is more meaningful or symbolic for you. Perhaps in your own home, your favourite restaurant, park or forest? How about on a boat or next to an important family landmark? The possibilities are endless.

  • I officiate at all types of ceremonies to mark the big and small moments in your life's journey. These include anything from baby namings and adoption ceremonies, to ceremonies marking milestone birthdays or significant life events such as divorce, retirement, coming out, downsizing and end of illness. Of course, I also craft ceremonies to honour familiar rites of passage such as weddings, renewals of vows, and funerals. I also am available to develop ceremonies for communities and organizations who would like to commemorate new beginnings, transitions, losses, and accomplishments.

    Every life, every love, and every milestone has a singular story to tell. I would love to collaborate with you to create a one-of-a-kind ceremony to honour your story.

  • Yes! In addition to being a certified Life-Cycle Celebrant, I am a registered marriage commissioner for the province of Saskatchewan. This means that your wedding will not only be beautiful, it will also be legal!

  • If you know of someone who would like a custom-crafted ceremony but is not in a position to hire me, you may want to consider contributing to a service. I offer certificates for those wishing to gift a ceremony.